Yesterday was an amazing day for one person with the desire to be a polyglot. I discovered what seems to me to be the best, free SRS software, Anki. I had previously been using analogue flash cards (yes, with paper and everything) and was finding a lot of time wasted and finding myself discouraged.
With the boon of a new toy, I decided to re-take up learning Young Avestan. A task I had given up last summer after a period of intellectual stagnation. Over the next several weeks/months, I will restart the Harvard course that brought me to Avestan and begin anew with my new favorite grammar text from The Harvard course focuses on learning by the grammar-translation approach and has so far catered most to my learning styles. Especially important is that it works mostly in the early Persian script - fonts for which can be found here - courtesy of William Malandra and Emily Blanchard West. Having these fonts active on your computer will be necessary to use my Anki flashcards. Unfortunately, all vocabulary appears transcribed, which is know to diminish faculty in the target language.
If I receive any public interest, I will publish my Anki flash cards for Dr. Ervad Ramiyar Parvez Karanjia’s text as well as those for the Harvard course to the net via Anki and via a page I would create on Language And for this purpose.Good classical flash cards for Anki are hard to come by and even harder to find for a reputable and effective text.
I wish you all luck on all of your language-learning goals.
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